Knee Pain

The knee is the largest joint in the body, and one that bears practically the whole weight of the body when standing and bending and is a frequent area of complaint. Knee pain and discomfort can manifest in a variety of ways, including as a dull ache, sharp or stabbing pain, and sometimes together with stiffness, warmth, and swelling of the knee. Knee function may also be limited by the feeling of weakness, giving way, or even locking of the knee joint, which can be unsettling.

It is important to pay attention to any form of knee pain or discomfort, given the knee is such a complicated and vital joint. Whilst many believe that knee discomfort is just a normal part of getting older, determining the underlying cause can prevent the symptoms from worsening and may improve the overall function of the knee.

Common causes of knee pain include:

How We Treat

Determining the cause of the knee pain is the primary goal before any treatment can take place. A detailed case history and lifestyle review will take place to better understand the impact the knee pain and discomfort is having. A physical examination will then take place of the knee but also include the hips, pelvis, spine, and feet as all these can contribute to knee pain. An explanation of the issue along with treatment options available will then take place. This may include osteopathy, acupuncture, or rehabilitation exercises.

Where treatment is not possible, other options will be discussed and any appropriate referrals may be made with your consent.