Golf Injuries

Golf could appear to outsiders to be a sport with minimal risk of injury. After all, it is a non-contact, low impact activity. But as any golfer will attest, the game has its own set of aches and pains.

Golfers may suffer from sudden injuries like sprains and strains, but repetitive motion injuries, improper mechanics and form, or soft tissue tears are more typical in the sport.

By being aware of the most frequent injuries, golfers can use preventative strategies, such as appropriate warmups and preparation before practicing and playing. Exercises may vary from mobility, stretching, strengthening, and conditioning exercises 

Knowing which the most common injuries are also helps identify which remedies enable a speedier recovery.

Assessment / Treatment

Treatment may vary depending on the injury. Therefore, an initial inquiry about symptoms, general health, and any other medical care which may be received, will take place before performing a physical examination. Physical examination usually includes a biomechanical assessment of the body in standing and how it operates during the various phases of the golf swing.

Once an understanding of how the body operates and how it became injured, a tailored treatment plan will be discussed, and this may include, sports massage, spinal manipulation, acupuncture, mobility, stretching and strengthening exercises.